Hi Sergii,

You can reject requests as soon as you reach a certain amount in the
queue. Check the queue() fetch.


On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 1:23 AM, Sergii Mikhtoniuk <mikhton...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the pointer Baptiste, communicating backend load out-of-band is
> an interesting idea.
> Since `agent-check` can only influence weights, I can see it being useful in
> mitigating problems that result in uneven capacity of the backends. For
> example if there is a rouge process eating up one core of one of the
> upstream service's hosts, reducing its weight would redistribute the
> requests and could prevent queues from building up.
> However if all instances perform equally, and there's simply too many
> requests flowing in - setting lower weights will not help. We would still
> need some way to shed the load and start rejecting some percentage of the
> requests. And ideally this would be done in the HAProxy, before even sending
> request to the backend. For example:
> - agent-check daemon sees that service is overloaded (e.g. 120% over
> capacity)
> - it tries to progressively lower the weight of this instance
> - load does not go down - we can assume that all instances are equally
> overloaded
> - it starts increasing throttling percentage
> - when throttling reaches ~20% it will reach a stable state, processing as
> many request as we can while rejecting the rest
> Don't think there is a way to do per-backend throttling in HAProxy now
> though.
> Another problem is how to measure the actual load of the service. If service
> only reads HTTP request when it's ready to process it all the queuing is
> happening in socket buffer, half-open and backlog connection queues
> (http://veithen.github.io/2014/01/01/how-tcp-backlog-works-in-linux.html).
> Inspecting them might be tricky. And having a process that accepts requests
> as fast as it can and can easily tell the current size of the queue again
> leads me back to the idea of having a second HAProxy.
> Sergii
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 1:47 PM Baptiste <bed...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 1:59 AM, Sergii Mikhtoniuk <mikhton...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > My question is more about HTTP/REST in general, but I can't think of a
>> > better place to find experts than this mailing list.
>> >
>> > Can you share your approaches to providing back pressure with HTTP? I'm
>> > talking about handling cases when upstream service is overloaded due to
>> > increased request rate, or due to some problem that reduces its normal
>> > capacity, e.g. hardware issues or database backup.
>> >
>> > To give you more context - we are running a set of RESTful microservices
>> > that are very latency sensitive. We use HAProxy in a fully decentralized
>> > fashion to route the requests (aka SmartStack). Suppose we have N
>> > instances
>> > of service A that need to speak to M instances of service B - every
>> > instance
>> > of A runs local HAProxy, which is automatically reconfigured whenever we
>> > scale service B up or down.
>> >
>> > This  model worked really well for us, and it's also becoming very
>> > common in
>> > microservice environments (e.g. container schedulers such as Marathon
>> > and
>> > Kubernetes), but somehow noone ever mentions how to implement back
>> > pressure
>> > in it.
>> >
>> > The decentralized nature prevents us from being able to use the only
>> > back
>> > pressure mechanism HAProxy has - maxconn/maxqueue/timeout queue. Even if
>> > we
>> > assume that request distribution is uniform and set A's HAProxy maxconn
>> > to
>> > `Capacity(B) / N` this model breaks when we have another service C that
>> > also
>> > makes requests to B, and we do have a complex service topology.
>> >
>> > The way we are currently solving this:
>> > - we assume that upstream service (B) is the only place where we know
>> > the
>> > actual capacity and current load
>> > - so it's the upstream service that makes a decision whether to accept
>> > request for processing or to decline it
>> > - if request is declined we want HAProxy to try the next server in the
>> > list
>> > (`option redispatch`)
>> > - the only way to achieve this (due to use of `splice`) is to prevent
>> > TCP
>> > connection from ever being established
>> > - so we use IPTables to set a hard limit on the number of active TCP
>> > connection per service port
>> > - when all `retries` instances of upstream service are busy - we fail
>> > request very fast, allowing caller to perform any load shedding strategy
>> > (asking client to try again, returning cached result etc.)
>> >
>> > This solution worked well for us, but has a number of downsides:
>> > - relies on iptables and conntrack, and a lot of kernel variable
>> > tweaking
>> > - does not play well with Keep-Alive connections
>> > - hard to use in containers, especially with network isolation
>> >
>> > So we are looking at replacing it with something that works on
>> > application
>> > level protocol. One idea would be:
>> > - have yet another HAProxy, but now on the upstream service side
>> > - it's only purpose will be to limit `maxconn` and maintain a queue of
>> > connections
>> > - ideally implement an Active Queue Management (AQM) strategy such as
>> > CoDel
>> > to allow this queue to absorb short-term request bursts, but at the same
>> > time prevent bufferbloat-like "standing queues"
>> >
>> > To summarize:
>> > - Can anyone recommend a better solution for back pressure with
>> > decentralized HAProxy setup?
>> > - Do you think AQM for connection queues will be a good addition to
>> > HAProxy?
>> >
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Sergii
>> >
>> Hi Sergii,
>> You should have a look at the agent-check?
>> HAProxy can poll periodically a small deamon running on your app
>> server. This daemon can return some keyword or percentage to teach
>> HAProxy how healthy it is from a processing capacity point of view.
>> A nice example of the agent-check from percona to lower the weight of
>> mysql slaves server based on the replication lag:
>> https://www.percona.com/blog/2014/12/18/making-haproxy-1-5-replication-lag-aware-in-mysql/
>> Baptiste

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