
I know SO_REUSEPORT has been discussed here a few times and I am aware that
haproxy uses it to make restarts less disruptive, as a new instance can
bind() to the listen ports without the need to stop the old instance first.

But there is another aspect of SO_REUSEPORT that I have not yet seen
discussed here (my apologies if I missed this, pointers welcome). The
original patch for SO_REUSEPORT [1] explicitly mentions an uneven
distribution across threads/processes for the "accept on a single
listener socket from multiple threads" case, which the author intended to
get rid of with SO_REUSEPORT. What I have so far never seen a detailed
explanation of, though, is what the exact criteria are to get this to work.

We always have and still are seeing this uneven distribution in our haproxy
processes (haproxy 1.6, linux 3.16). My assumption is that this is because
we use haproxy in daemon mode, which (I think) basically means that when a
reload happens, one process is started, it binds all the sockets (using
SO_REUSEPORT, which lets it take over sockets from the previous instance),
but then fork()s the child processes, which thus inherit the already bound

My gut feeling - but I cannot point to any reliable reference - is that the
even load distribution mecahnism only kicks in if all processes do the call
to at least bind(), possibly listen() or even socket() themselves. Just
setting SO_REUSEPORT but otherwise using the "accept on a single
listener socket from multiple threads" might not actually reap the intended
benefits here.

So my question is basically: do I understand this situation correctly? Can
someone who is more experienced with the kernel networking code comment on
this aspect of SO_REUSEPORT?

[1] https://lwn.net/Articles/542718/

Thanks a lot,
Conrad Hoffmann
Traffic Engineer

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