2016-03-31 9:46 GMT+02:00 Janusz Dziemidowicz <rrapt...@nails.eu.org>:
> About the CPU problem. Reverting 7610073a indeed fixes my problem. If
> anyone has any idea what is the problem with this commit I am willing
> to test patches:)
> Some more details about my setup. All servers have moderate traffic
> (200-500mbit/s in peak). I do both plain HTTP and HTTPS + some small
> traffic in TCP mode (also both with and without TLS). I also make an
> extensive use of unix sockets for HTTP/2 support (decrypted HTTP/2
> traffic is routed via unix socket to nghttpx and then arrives back on
> another socket as HTTP/1.1).

Back to the original problem as the TLS ticket discussion has ended.
Anyone has any idea why 7610073a seems to increase CPU usage? I've
tried looking into this, but unfortunately I am not that familiar with
haproxy internals.

Janusz Dziemidowicz

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