Funny you should mention that, I pushed out the revised config and
immediately got warning about session usage from our moniting. Turns you
you need Maxconn defined as global for hard limits and default for the soft
limit. In this case I'm not completely clear why the global maxconn is
different then the default maxconn - I almost think it would make more
sense to have different keywords. But I'll write it off as a learning
experience in our transition to using keepalives.

On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Cyril Bonté <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Le 04/04/2016 19:14, CJ Ess a écrit :
>> Moving the setting to global worked perfectly AND it upped the ulimit-n
>> to a more appropriate value:
> I feel unconfortable with the "Moving the setting" part.
> Did you really MOVE the maxconn declaration from defaults (or
> listen/frontend) to the global section ? Or did you ADD one to the global
> section ?
> This is important, as the effect is not the same at all ;-)
>> ...
>> Ulimit-n: 131351
>> Maxsock: 131351
>> Maxconn: 65535
>> Hard_maxconn: 65535
>> ...
>> So we'll write this down as a learning experience. We recently
>> transitioned from doing one request per connection to using keep-alives
>> to the fullest, so I suspect that we've always had this problem but just
>> never saw it because our connections turned over so quickly.
>> On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 3:59 AM, Baptiste <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Le 3 avr. 2016 03:45, "CJ Ess" <
>>     <>> a écrit :
>>      >
>>      > Oops, that is important - I have both the maxconn and fullconn
>>     settings in the defaults section.
>>      >
>>      > On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 4:37 PM, PiBa-NL <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>      >>
>>      >> Op 2-4-2016 om 22:32 schreef CJ Ess:
>>      >>>
>>      >>> So in my config file I have:
>>      >>>
>>      >>> maxconn 65535
>>      >>
>>      >> Where do you have that maxconn setting? In frontend , global, or
>>     both.?
>>      >>
>>      >>> fullconn 64511
>>      >>>
>>      >>> However, "show info" still has a maxconn 2000 limit and that
>>     caused a blow up because I exceeded the limit =(
>>      >>>
>>      >>> So my questions are 1)  is there a way to raise maxconn without
>>     restarting haproxy with the -P parameter (can I add -P when I do a
>>     reload?) 2) Are there any other related gotchas I need to take care
>> of?
>>      >>>
>>      >>> I notice that ulimit-n and maxsock both show 4495 despite
>>     "ulimit -n" for the user showing 65536 (which is probably half of
>>     what I really want since each "session" is going to consume two
>> sockets)
>>      >>>
>>      >>> I'm using haproxy 1.5.12
>>      >>>
>>      >>
>>      >
>>     So add a maxconn in your global section.
>>     Your process is limited by default to 2000 connections forwarded.
>>     Baptiste
> --
> Cyril Bonté

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