
I'm trying to diagnose an error I have when issuing POST on a specific
website I have.
HAProxy is in front and handle HTTPS, with one backend.

The website is called through https, and I got an error with Firefox only
(Chrome is fine) when doing a POST request including a specific text file.
At this point, I thought the app software was guilty. I tried to get more
information on HAProxy side, and I get these flags :
ft-xxx~ bk-xxx/<NOSRV> -1/-1/-1/-1/8 400 187 - - PR-- 97/1/0/0/2 0/0 "POST
/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/Reply/11969/1 HTTP/1.1"

Extract of the doc :

     P : the session was prematurely aborted by the proxy, because of a
            connection limit enforcement, because a DENY filter was matched,
            because of a security check which detected and blocked a dangerous
            error in server response which might have caused information leak
            (eg: cacheable cookie).

     R : a resource on the proxy has been exhausted (memory, sockets, source
            ports, ...). Usually, this appears during the connection phase, and
            system logs should contain a copy of the precise error. If this
            happens, it must be considered as a very serious anomaly which
            should be fixed as soon as possible by any means.

I do not have any extravagant rule on HAProxy file ... And I do not
understand how I can have this error on Firefox and not Chrome. I
guess something went wrong on TLS layer ... But the whole website is
working on Firefox, only this kind of POST request. Firefox is using
TLS v1.2 (TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) at that time.

show errors on haproxy socket do not show any error.

Any advice on where to look after that ?

HAProxy config file :


    tune.ssl.default-dh-param 1024

    tune.maxrewrite 1k

    tune.ssl.lifetime 3600

    tune.ssl.cachesize 1000000

    ssl-default-bind-options no-tls-tickets



    mode http

    option abortonclose

    backlog 65536

    retries 2

    option clitcpka

    option tcp-smart-accept

    option tcp-smart-connect

    balance roundrobin

    option accept-invalid-http-request

    maxconn 100000

    timeout http-request 10s

    timeout queue  30s

    timeout client 25s

    timeout server 1h

    timeout tarpit 1m

    timeout check 2000ms

    default-server maxconn 10000 fall 3 rise 1 inter 2500ms fastinter
1000ms downinter 5000ms slowstart 30s

    errorfile 408 /dev/null

frontend ft-xxx

    bind xxx:80

    bind xxx:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/xxx.pem no-sslv3

    mode http

    log xxx.com local3

    option httplog

    option log-separate-errors

    option dontlognull

    default_backend bk-xxx

    redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }

    bind-process 10

backend bk-xxx

    mode http

    bind-process 10

    option forwardfor

    http-request set-header X-SSL %[ssl_fc]

    http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https

    source xxx

    server xxx xxx:80 check weight 1

Thank you all !

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