Hello everyone,

Finally fixed an issue. Indeed it wasn't related to FirewallD or HAproxy.
The issue was in php code, for some reason I had to change position of 
ftp_passv ( move it after ftp_login)

// Juri

-----Original Message-----
From: Björn Zettergren [mailto:bjorn.zetterg...@deltaprojects.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 5:57 PM
To: Info (ITpartner.ee) <i...@itpartner.ee>
Cc: Andrew Smalley <asmal...@loadbalancer.org>; HAProxy <haproxy@formilux.org>
Subject: Re: HAproxy and ftp_put response "504 Timeout"

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:13 PM, Info (ITpartner.ee) <i...@itpartner.ee> wrote:
> So FirewallD ports are opened. Doing the same ftp_put via php in active or 
> passive mode returns 504 Gateway timeout.
> That’s why I thought mby haproxy doesn't let FTP server response back in to 
> server.
> Mby you have any other suggestions in this case?

Not knowing how your script works or any more details, i'm guessing that you're 
calling it through haproxy via port 80 on a browser, and then it tries to 
upload something remotely and won't give any feedback to your client until 
upload is finished. If this is the case, you might need to tune "timeout 
server". Set at value that's higher than the time it takes for the script to 
upload your files to the remote server. But now i'm only guessing.

If i'm wrong, please share more details about the script and how you call it 


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