Hi, speaking of conf check, we recently had issue because socket
bind-ability is not checked using "-c" parameter. So systemd was reload
Le 8 juin 2016 9:43 PM, "Maxime de Roucy" <maxime.dero...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Le mercredi 08 juin 2016 à 21:21 +0200, Vincent Bernat a écrit :
> > Just add ExecReload=/usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -c
> > -q
> > before the existing ExecReload.
> Indeed:
>         [root@arch64-f5ff6f8ea5472b3f ~]# rm /tmp/*
>         rm: cannot remove '/tmp/*': No such file or directory
>         [root@arch64-f5ff6f8ea5472b3f ~]# systemctl cat test.service
>         # /etc/systemd/system/test.service
>         [Unit]
>         Description=test
>         [Service]
>         Type=simple
>         ExecStart=/usr/bin/sleep 3600
>         ExecReload=/usr/bin/touch /tmp/ExecReload1
>         ExecReload=/usr/bin/touch /tmp/ExecReload2
>         [root@arch64-f5ff6f8ea5472b3f ~]# systemctl start test.service
>         [root@arch64-f5ff6f8ea5472b3f ~]# systemctl reload test.service
>         [root@arch64-f5ff6f8ea5472b3f ~]# ls /tmp/
>         ExecReload1  ExecReload2
> Also you will not be able to change the commande line argument (e.g.
> adding a file with `-f …`) of the haproxy process with `systemctl
> reload`.
> But you can now load a directory with `-f`, add files in it and load
> them (without service interruption) with a reload.
> http://git.haproxy.org/?p=haproxy.git;a=commit;h=379d9c7c14e684ab1dcdb6467a6bf189153c2b1d
> Regards
> Maxime de Roucy

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