On Jun 22, 2016 7:06 PM, "Shawn Heisey" <hapr...@elyograg.org> wrote:
> I have verified that there is nothing on the line after the headers.  On
> the recommendation I saw elsewhere, the file is in DOS text format, so
> each line ends in CRLF, not just LF.  Could the line endings be the

Most definitely.

Review the file's content with a hex editor or hexdump.

Each line of headers *must* end with \r\n which is 0x0d 0x0a (CR, LF).
This file is used as a raw HTTP response, and the Chrome error suggests
strongly that this is your problem, or this:

After the last header, you *must* have two sets of of those, e.g.:

HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable [0d][0a]Content-Type:
text/html[0d][0a]Cache-Control: no-cache [0d][0a]Connection:

After that point, you're in the body, so pretty much anything goes, just
keep the whole thing under 16K.

Definitely don't count on an indicator of "file format" to prove that this
is correct.

Copy one of the other files and edit with vim.  You'll see the ^M in the
headers, which of course is the same as \r.  The \n doesn't show in vim
since that's the normal newline.

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