That is indeed pretty cool :-)
Would the addition of a header work the way I originally suggested, though?

> On 24 Jun 2016, at 21:57, Cyril Bonté <> wrote:
> Hi all,
>> Le 24/06/2016 à 21:33, James Brown a écrit :
>> +1 I am also using a fake backend with no servers and a 503 errorfile,
>> and it confuses everybody who looks at the config or the metrics. Being
>> able to directly emit a 429 would be fantastic.
> Interestingly, it already exists since 1.6-dev2 [1] for "http-request deny" 
> but the documentation is absolutely missing. And it has recently been fixed 
> by Willy [2].
> Another point is that everything in the code seems to be ready to use the 
> same option with tarpit... except the configuration parser.
> The syntax is :
>  http-request deny [deny_status <code>]
> Example :
>  http-request deny deny_status 429
> [1] 
> [2] 
>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Daniel Schneller
>> <
>> <>> wrote:
>>    Hello!
>>    We use haproxy as an L7 rate limiter based on tracking certain header
>>    fields and URLs. A more detailed description of what we do can be found
>>    in a blog post I wrote about this some time ago:
>>    Our exact setup has changed a bit since then, but the gist remains the
>>    same:
>>    * Calculate the rate of requests by tracking those with identical
>>     authorization header values
>>    * If they exceed a threshold, slow the client down (tarpit) and ask
>>     them to come back after a certain period by sending them HTTP 429:
>>     HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
>>     Cache-Control: no-cache
>>     Connection: close
>>     Content-Type: text/plain
>>     Retry-After: 60
>>     Too Many Requests (HAP429).
>>    I am currently refactoring our haproxy config to make it more readable
>>    and maintainable; while doing so, I would like to get rid of the
>>    somewhat crude pseudo backend in which I specify the errorfile for
>>    status code 500, replacing 500 with 429 when sending it out to the
>>    client. This, of course, leads to the status code being 500 the logs
>>    and other inconveniences.
>>    My suggestion about how to handle this would be an extension to the
>>    "http-request deny" directive. Currently it will always respond with
>>    HTTP status code 403. If there were a configuration setting allowing me
>>    to specify different code (like 429 in my case) as the reason for the
>>    rejection, that would be an elegant solution. Using an "http-request
>>    set-header" would even allow me to specify different values for the
>>    "Retry-After:" header to inform well-written clients after which time
>>    they should come back and try again.
>>    Does that sound like a sensible addition?
>>    Cheers,
>>    Daniel
>>    --
>>    Daniel Schneller
>>    Principal Cloud Engineer
>>    CenterDevice GmbH
>> --
>> James Brown
>> Engineer
> -- 
> Cyril Bonté

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