hi all.

    I have some questions about "max_conn" in HAProxy.

    First of all, a question about performance in HAProxy. How many
connections can the HAProxy taken, in other words, what the max connections
in HAProxy?

    Second question, I have a haproxy configuration file like this:

    maxconn     2000
listen  http_proxy  localhost:81
   server      server1 myip:80 maxconn 3000 check inter 10000
   server      server2 myip:80 maxconn 4000 check inter 10000

    Max connections (3000 + 4000) > 2000, what will happen? I think that
the above connections (3000 + 4000 - 2000 = 5000)will be queued by Linux
kernel and wait for another connection to completed being accepted.

    My thought is this: params "maxconn" in the global should less than the
total of every members in every listeners.

Does my thought was right?

Hope for your reply.

Zhi Chang

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