
Le 20/07/2016 à 11:48, hapr...@abisoft.biz a écrit :
Sure thing. Here is the full config (Haproxy 1.6.7):

  mode http
  log-format %ci:%cp\ [%t]\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %Tq/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Tt\ %tsc\ %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\ %{+Q}r\ %ST\ 
"%CC"\ "%hr"\ "%CS"\ "%hs"\ ireq_size=%U\ resp_size=%B\ %fi:%fp\ %si:%sp\ 
%sslc\ %sslv\ %[capture.req.hdr(0)]

frontend lb-useast
  mode http
  bind *:80
  option forwardfor except

**  http-request add-header X-Haproxy-ACL test,

  declare capture request len 256
  http-request capture hdr(X-Haproxy-ACL) id 0

Notice the line marked "**". When it has "test," it doesn't appear in the log

Ah ok, then this has nothing to do with "http-request add-header", but the understanding of the hdr() fetch.

hdr() will use the commas as separator, hence it will fetch the last occurence (the empty value behind your comma). If you want to capture the whole header line, you want to use fhdr() instead.




Not tested but I'm almost sure it's your issue.

Cyril Bonté

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