On Tue, 19 Jul 2016 15:28:25 +0530
Sachin Shetty <sshe...@egnyte.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We always had a unique requirement of picking a backend based on response
> from a external http service.  In the past we have got this working by
> routing requests via a modified apache and caching the headers in maps for
> further request, but now I am trying to simplify our topology and trying to
> get this done using just haproxy and lua.
> I am running in to some problems:
> Lua method:
> function choose_backend(txn)
>         local host = txn.http:req_get_headers()["host"][0]
>         core.Alert("Getting Info:" .. host)
>         local sock = core.tcp()
>         sock:connect("", 6280)
>         sock:send("GET /eos/rest/private/gds/l1/1.0/domain/" .. host ..
> "\r\n")
>         result = sock:receive("*a")
>         sock:close()
>         core.Alert("Received Response:" .. result .. "<")
>         core.set_map("/tmp/proxy_webui.map", host, result)
>         core.Alert("Map Set:" .. host .. "-->" .. result .. "<")
> end
> core.register_action("choose_backend", { "http-req" }, choose_backend)
> Haprpxy Conf:
> frontend luatest
>         mode http
>         maxconn 10000
>         bind *:9000
>         use_backend %[hdr(host),lower,map(/tmp/proxy_webui.map)] if FALSE #
> To declare the map
>         http-request lua.choose_backend
>         tcp-request content capture hdr(host),map(/tmp/proxy_webui.map) len
> 80
>         acl is_ez_pod capture.req.hdr(0)
>         use_backend ez_pod if is_ez_pod
> backend ez_pod
>         server ez_pod maxconn 2
> There are some issues:
> 1. I do see Map Set called correctly in the logs, but the haproxy capture
> does not find the key in the map for the first request. Is this related to
> async execution of luna routine?


The processing of the request by haproxy is pending while the execution
of the lua action.

The execution of "tcp-request content" directives are done before the
execution of "http-request". So HAProxy executes first the capture and
them the action which populate the map.

Normally, HAProxy display a warning when it start, if it detects a
configuration order different than a execution order. Try to replace the
"tcp-request" by "http-request".

> 2. I expected subsequent requests to see the value atleast, but even that is
> not consistent, some request see the value in the map and some donĀ¹t
> Is there a better way to do this?

It seems that you use a good way to do this.

> I already found that I cannot invoke the
> luna routine with use_backend because yield is not allowed in a sample fetch
> context. 

Yes, the usage of core.tcp() require some yields, and haproxu doesn't
support yield during the execution of sample-fetches. For bypassing
this problem, I use variables. I store the expected result in a
variable during the execution of the action, and I use these variable
with the use_backend directive.


> What would be the best way to achieve this, our requirement is similar to
> what can be done with redis+nginx here:
> http://openresty.org/en/dynamic-routing-based-on-redis.html except for we
> have an http service that decides the backend instead of a redis service.
> Thanks
> Sachin

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