
On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 02:33:05PM -0400, CJ Ess wrote:
> I think I'm overlooking something simple, could someone spot check me?
> What I want to do is to pool connections on my http backend - keep HAProxy
> from opening a new connection to the same backend if there is an
> established connection that is idle.
> My haproxy version is 1.5.18

> There is more then enough traffic going through the backend that if a
> connection is idle, there will be a request that could use it (within ms,
> should never hit the 5s or 75s timeouts), however in every case the
> connection just sites idle for five seconds then closes.
> Am I missing something simple to enable this behavior?

Yes, you're missing the "http-reuse" directive which was introduced in
1.6. Be careful when doing this (read the doc carefully), as some
servers still tend to confuse requests and connections and could do
some funny stuff there.


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