On 10/07/2015 10:32 μμ, Phillip Decker wrote:
> Hello again,
> I was migrating a setup from the older style acl-based host to backend 
> mapping, to the newer
> map-based approach, e.g.
> use_backend  %[req.hdr(host),lower,map_beg(mapping.conf,default)]
> and that works fine.  But now I'm tempted to simply name the backends after 
> each servername,
> (eg. 'mail' from mail.google.com <http://mail.google.com>, or 'maps' from 
> maps.google.com
> <http://maps.google.com>). 
> Which in my imagination would look something like:
> use_backend %[req.hdr_beg(host),lower]
> But is there a way to substring or regex off the front of the host string, 
> and pass that to the
> use_backend call?
> In other words, continuing the google.com <http://google.com> example, if 
> people are hitting
> the server with "host: mail.google.com <http://mail.google.com>", and 
> maps.google.com
> <http://maps.google.com>, and just for completeness, notes.books.google.com
> <http://notes.books.google.com>, I'd like to have backends:
> backend mail
>    mode http
>    foo
>    ....
> backend maps
>    mode http
>    bar
>    ...
>  backend notes.books
>    mode http
>    baz
>    ..
> Is there a way to accomplish this without building them into a mapped file in 
> 1.5.x? 
> (1.6 solutions are okay too, but won't be able to move to that until it's in 
> stable.)

1.6 is *stable*. It has been running fine in several setups I manage since 
But, I guess you meant in *stable* repo of X distribution, right?


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