
We use Cisco GSS as our DNS server.

For our application we use multiple A records which point to specific hosts
running haproxy and have configured the GSS with keepalives so that it will
take out a host from the a records if the host goes down.

The GSS keepalive is configured as a http head request which is made to
each node which is running haproxy, the haproxy will then route this
request to a backend server.

We have been running with this setup for a number of years using version
1.4.25 and everything has been working fine.

We are in the process of upgrading to 1.5.x however when we deploy our app
using 1.5.8 the GSS keepalive no longer detects any nodes as being alive
and ultimately results in DNS error when some tries to access the
application via the DNS.

So it looks like something has changed between version 1.4.25 and version
1.5.18 to result in the GSS not seeing any nodes configured for the DNS as
being alive.

The Cisco GSS we're using is GSS-4492-k9 version 3.0(1)

Does anyone know what might be causing this behaviour/how to debug this? Or
what settings I can change in haproxy to get the above configuration to

Many thanks.

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