On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 07:44:03PM -0700, Bryan Talbot wrote:
> > On Aug 23, 2016, at Aug 23, 5:43 PM, Jakov Sosic <jso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi guys,
> > 
> > 
> > Later I log it in Apache in custom log format:
> > 
> > LogFormat "%a %l %u [%{%d/%b/%Y:%T}t,%{msec_frac}t %{%z}t] \"%r\" %>s %b 
> > \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" \"%{X-Unique-ID}i\"" combined_uniqueid
> > 
> > 
> > But, lately I've notice - very rarely but still happened, a request which 
> > logged two unique ids.
> > 
> > After verfying ips and ports, I conclude that first request has:
> > 
> > SRC: [client_ip]
> > DST:  [haproxy_ip]
> > 
> > second one though, has:
> > 
> > SRC:  [haproxy_ip]
> > DST:  [haproxy_ip]
> > 
> > 
> > An example:
> > 
> > [Fri Aug 19 12:20:13.468461 2016] [-:error] [pid 9390] [client 
> >] [request_id: 
> > C0A801C8:DE3E_C0A80163:0050_573D9359_39BE5:6408, 
> > C0A80163:CBB9_C0A80163:0050_573D935C_39BE8:6408] .....
> > 
> > 
> > Any ideas what could have happened over here?
> > 
> Assuming you don???t loop connections through haproxy itself, (backend ->
> other haproxy frontend) which is sometimes done for TLS termination and
> logging reasons, then I can think of two other options.
> Perhaps an eavesdropper / developer setup another proxy to snoop / debug
> traffic on your load balancer?
> Someone is sending requests with the (X-Unique-Id) header already set. If you
> don???t explicitly remove any incoming values, the unique-id-header will add
> a new one.

I have some memories of a similar case. I believe it's when the field
is present both in the frontend and in the backend that it does this.
And this is the case here because it's in the defaults section. Jakov,
could you check if it goes away when you moe the unique-id directive
to either the frontend or the backend ? If so I don't see well how to
prevent this from happening, however we could at least document this
case and recommend not to put it in the defaults section.


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