
On Tue, 4 Oct 2016 10:55:08 +0530
Rajesh Mahajan <rajeshmahaja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Please find attached configuration files for both nginx and haproxy.
> Could you please share your results wrt to nginx and tell me which
> http benchmark tool you are using for testing.

From what I see you did not specify maxconn limit in defaults
nor frontend sections, so effectively you will be limited to 2000
concurrent connections on frontend (we run into this problem during our

Due to the fact that we needed to test our setup up to 10Gb/s we had to
build our own tools as currently available scaled "only" up to ~2-3Gb/s. We
used multi-threaded tools like wrk2, httpress (with some patches) and
weighttp as a starting point and build scripts around them to aggregate
data from multiple machines running those. I started to prefer httpress
(with some patches) as it allows to test keepalive/non-keepalive
connections (as opposite to wrk2). On the other hand wrk2 has some nice
Lua scripting capabilities which might be useful in certain scenarios
like replaying traffic.

Unfortunately right now I cannot find any "trustworthy" results we have
obtained while comparing HAProxy and nginx. During our testing we
discovered that Nginx does not scale linearly when increasing amount of
workers - it was even worse: increasing amount of workers degraded
performance. Later this problem was mitigated, but not completely
resolved resulting up to 20% performance degradation with 24
cores/workers running. Proper fix would require significant
architectural changes of Nginx, so we were left only with a workaround.
Overall HAProxy and nginx were comparable (HAProxy still faster), but
due to above bug nginx was visibly behind when number of workers
increased. When we decided to use HAProxy our focus moved towards
tuning HAProxy rather than comparing HAProxy and nginx. We have some
data on our Wiki from time when we compared HAProxy and nginx, but
setup and performance isn't nowhere near what we currently use/get
(Those benchmarks did not use our distributed benchmark infrastructure
to obtain results, so effectively they were limited to 1Gb/s of traffic
due to network interface throughput).


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