On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 3:55 PM, komu wairagu <komu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm a little confused by the wording on the official haproxy ver1.6
> documentation(https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.6/
> configuration.html)
> especially as concerning dns resolution.
> Here's a section of my haproxy config:
> ## start config
> resolvers my_dns_resolver
>       #Google name servers
>       nameserver dns1
>       nameserver dn2
>       resolve_retries       30
>       timeout retry         1s
>       hold valid           2010
> frontend my_frontend
>     bind *:80
>     default_backend my_backend
> backend my_backend
>     balance roundrobin
>     server my_domain my_domain.com check resolvers my_dns_resolver inter
> 2000
> ## end config
> So my question is,
> How often will haproxy (version 1.6) do a dns resolution? Is it every
> 2000 ms(health check interval) or
> every 10ms (2010 modulo 2000) ?
> The documenation says:
> `Note: since the name resolution is triggered by the health checks, a new
>       resolution is triggered after <period> modulo the <inter> parameter
> of
>       the healch check.`
> but I'm getting confused by the wording.
> I have two interpretations from reading that documentaion;
> 1. dns resolution is triggered by health checks and thus will happen
> (<period> modulo the <inter>) milliseconds after the health check.
> 2. dns resolution will happen every (<period> modulo the <inter>)
> milliseconds.
> So if we start at time
> for case 1 above health check happens at and first dns
> resolution happens at
> and second one at etc
> while for case 2 above health check happens at  and first
> dns resolution happens at
> and second one at etc
> thanks,
> Komu W.

Hi Komu,

Technically, HAProxy's internal scheduler will wake up the health check
task at <inter> period.
Before processing the check itself, HAProxy will check if the last
resolution result is obsolete, so it 'now > last-resolution + hold valid'

This means:
- smallest DNS resolution period will be <inter> if DNS resolution period
is lower than <inter>
- if DNS resolution period is greater than <inter>, then next DNS
resolution will be after X times <inter>, X being the rounded ratio between
<inter> and DNS resolution period

With some examples:
- inter = 2s, DNS hold valid = 1s, then DNS resolution will happen every 2s
- inter = 2s, DNS hold valid = 5s, then DNS resolution will happen every 6s
- inter = 2s, DNS hold valid = 10s, then DNS resolution will happen every


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