>Just to be sure, here there is a typo error. You meant "HTML is
compressed", right ?

No, it was not compressed with Haproxy 1.6. AFAIK compression is
automatically disabled for chunked responses in Haproxy <1.7 -
At least it corresponds with behavior I saw... Also Haproxy 1.7 changelog
says "MAJOR: http: re-enable compression on chunked encoding".

>if possible, it could be helpful to have tcpdump of data exchanged between
HAProxy and your backends

I can't do it on existing staging, because it constantly receives some
requests and I am not that good at tcpdump to filter 1 request.

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Christopher Faulet <
christopher.fau...@capflam.org> wrote:

> Le 24/01/2017 à 10:55, Vladimir Mihailenco a écrit :
>> This is the config -
>> https://gist.github.com/vmihailenco/9010ad37f5aeb800095a6b18909ae7d5.
>> Backends don't have any options. I already tried to remove `http-reuse
>> safe`, but it does not make any difference.
>> Haproxy 1.7 with compression (HTML not fully loaded) -
>> https://gist.github.com/vmihailenco/05bda6e7a49b6f78cd2f749abb0cf5b3
>> Haproxy 1.7 without compression (HTML fully loaded) -
>> https://gist.github.com/vmihailenco/d8732e53acac3769a85b59afd7336bab
>> Haproxy 1.7 with compression and Rails configured to set Content-Length
>> via config.middleware.use Rack::ContentLength (HTML fully loaded) -
>> https://gist.github.com/vmihailenco/13a809f486c4e1833ef813a019549180
> Hi,
> Thanks for details. There are some things that puzzle me.
> I guess that when you disable the compression, it means that you comment
> "compression" lines in the frontend section. In that case, we can see the
> response is chunked. Because it is untouched by HAProxy, this comes from
> your backend. Here there is no problem.
> But when the compression is enabled, there is a Content-Length header and
> no Transfer-Encoding header. That's really strange because, HAProxy never
> adds Content-Length header, at any place. So, I'm tempted to think that it
> comes from your backend. But that's contradicts my previous remark. And
> there is no Content-Encoding header. So, it means that HAProxy didn't
> compressed the response.
> So, to be sure, if possible, it could be helpful to have tcpdump of data
> exchanged between HAProxy and your backends (or something similar, as you
> prefer). Send me them in private to not flood the ML. In the meantime, I
> will try to investigate.
>         With Haproxy 1.6 and enabled compression
>>         - i can load full HTML (200kb)
>>         - HTML is not compressed
>>         - Transfer-encoding: "chunked"
>>         - no Content-Length header
> Just to be sure, here there is a typo error. You meant "HTML is
> compressed", right ?
> --
> Christopher

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