Hi all

I am trying to determine the cause of an issue where the number of frontend
connections is much higher than the number of backend connections.

I have one frontend, listening on port 443, and two backends, which send
traffic to either port 5050 or 5051.  The haproxy stats screen is showing
many more frontend connections than backend (in one case, 113k on the
frontend, 97k on one backend, and 3k on the other backend).

netstat confirms that there are more connections to the frontend than to
the sum of the backends (but it shows a higher number than haproxy reports):

ubuntu@ip-10-10-7-135:~$ netstat -an |grep 5050|wc -l
ubuntu@ip-10-10-7-135:~$ netstat -an |grep 5051|wc -l
ubuntu@ip-10-10-7-135:~$ netstat -an |grep|wc -l

My first thought was that the connection to the clients was being kept open
to be reused for more HTTP/1.1 requests, but we have 'option forceclose' in
the defaults section of the haproxy config.

Any ideas?

Patrick Kaeding

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