Possible Lua Memory Leak?

We are running HAProxy version 1.7.2 (also tested 1.7.5) and are loading a
Lua file which makes use of 2 actions.  The first action is called on
http-request and the second on http-response.  In the simple test case we
put together the request action stores some data in a table and calls
txn:set_priv to save the state for the transaction.  The response action
calls txn:get_priv in order to access the state that was set in the request
action.  All variables are set to nil once they are no longer needed but it
seems that no matter what kind of load HAProxy is receiving we leak a
little bit of memory with each request.  Eventually, response times begin
to increase to the point where health checks to HAProxy begin to fail and
the server is unresponsive.  We can take the instance out of rotation and
memory still doesn't get reclaimed despite all connections to the frontend
and backend being closed.  We do see garbage collections happening but it
never cleans up enough to stabilize the instance.  The leak is easily
reproducible using a local test instance and JMeter.  The test uses 10
connections with keep-alive at around 1500 r/s.  It takes only a few
minutes to consume over 1.5G of memory.  Any ideas as to what might be
going on here?  Is there something wrong with how we are attempting to
integrate these LUA actions?  I am happy to provide additional information
if anyone is willing to assist with this.  I have posted the configuration
and other files on pastebin.

Configuration - https://pastebin.com/SBtAEZ9R
Lua - https://pastebin.com/64Anbxm4

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