Hello all!

In last weeks I've started encountering a problem, that for our
particular use-case is seriously breaking some of our sites, namely:

* a client makes a POST request which has a "largish" payload, one
that does not manage to "push" it through before HAProxy has a chance
to respond,
* if HAProxy is configured to redirect such a request (like for
example upgrading HTTP to HTTPS),
* then HAProxy responds with the redirect, and closes the connection;
but the client has not yet been able to push its POST body and
receives a write error, and thus it aborts without trying to read the
response from HAProxy;

One can easily reproduce this with:
  printf -- 'POST /invalid HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: invalid.example.com\r\n\r\n'
  dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1024 count=4 | base64
) \
| socat -d -d -v tcp:,sndbuf=16 stdio

, which results in a connection reset, as `socat` is trying to push
data to a closed socket.

(Via private email I can give an actual `tcpdump` capture with production data.)

Unfortunately this issue doesn't impact a "random" client but recent
versions of Firefox and Chrome, which just display a "connection
reset" kind of message to the users.

I've tried searching for a similar problem, and found this:


But it's not clear to me if these issues were fixed since almost 8
years ago, or how should I proceed in solving this issue myself.  (I'm
open to applying patches and re-compiling HAProxy.)

Increasing `tune.bufsize` to 128k doesn't seem to help either.


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