Good morning,

In the current version (1.7.5), haproxy documentation states that
compression is disabled if the response is not chunked and does not include
a Content-length.

Unfortunately, it seems a bit limitating because some Java application
servers (Jetty for sure, and some netty-based frameworks) never use chunked
mode together with Connection: close.

For example, when requesting a payload with Connection: close set on the
client side, you'll typically receive the following response header.

Date: Tue, 09 May 2017 06:07:17 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: close
Server: Jetty(9.3.12.v20160915)

Content-length is included only in the particular case where the response
body fits in the server buffer, which is often not the case for large,
dynamically generated content, and this is causing haproxy to disable

According to discussions on the jetty github, when Connection: close is
present in the response, it's acceptable to simply let the client know that
the response is complete by closing the connection on the server side.

On haproxy side, I have noticed that you can set option http-pretend-keep
alive to work this issue around, as this will remove "connection: close"
from the request header, thus allowing jetty to use chunked transfer

But given that Jetty is not alone in this case, I am wondering whether it
would be technically possible for haproxy to enable compression in the
following scenario (According to the response headers) :

1) HTTP 1.1 is used
2) "Transfer-Encoding" is NOT chunked
3) "Content-Length" is NOT specified
4) "Connection : close" IS specified (expecting EOF framed response)

Kind regards

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