This is a limitation of the syslog protocol, IIRC.

Daniel Schneller
Principal Cloud Engineer
CenterDevice GmbH                  | Hochstraße 11
                                   | 42697 Solingen
tel: +49 1754155711                | Deutschland   |

Geschäftsführung: Dr. Patrick Peschlow, Dr. Lukas Pustina,
Michael Rosbach, Handelsregister-Nr.: HRB 18655,
HR-Gericht: Bonn, USt-IdNr.: DE-815299431

> On 16. May. 2017, at 13:28, Stéphane Cottin <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Version: haproxy 1.7.2
> I'm logging to a unix socket, allowing long lines.
>  log /dev/log len 8192 local0
> [...]
>  option dontlognull
>  option log-separate-errors
>  option httplog
> I'm also capturing the referer header.
>  capture request header Referer len 4096
> When using large strings (length > 1024 ) the request is truncated to 1024 
> characters in the log line, the captured header is not.
> The log line is still valid, quotes are present, only the end of the request 
> string is missing.
> Do I miss some config parameter ? setting the len in the log configuration 
> directive shouldn't prevent this ?
> Stéphane

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