Le 16/06/2017 à 13:29, Juan Pablo Mora a écrit :
Linux version:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.11 (Tikanga)

Linux dpoweb08 2.6.18-417.el5 #1 SMP Sat Nov 19 14:54:59 EST 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

HAProxy versión: 1.7.5


After upgrading to HAProxy 1.7.5, requests with "SD" status in logs have started to appear in one webservice. There have been no changes to the webservice we invoke. The log shows:

Jun 16 12:41:06 localhost.lognet.pre.logalty.es haproxy[17315]: [16/Jun/2017:12:41:06.890] HTTP_INTERNO BUS/BUS1 1/0/0/65/75 200 225565 390 - - SD-- 12/2/0/0/0 0/0 {|Keep-Alive|174|} {|close|} "POST /lgt/lgtbus/rest/private/receiverServiceLight/getSignedBinaryContent HTTP/1.1"

The same POST in HAProxy 1.5.12 ends with “ 200 “ and “----“.


Bernard McCormack has already reported the same issue. I'm on it. I approximately identified the problem but I need more time to fully understand it and to find the best way to fix it.

The bug occurs where we are waiting the end of the response to synchronize the request and the response. The close on the server side is detected as an error when there is no content-length nor transfer-encoding header. But it is a bit tricky because it is partly a timing issue. Depending when the connection close is catched, an error is triggered or not.

So I'm on it. Stay tuned.
Christopher Faulet

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