Hello Guys,

Sorry to botter you with my specific questions :-)

Let's imagine a paranoic security team who forbide http and tcp flows
between the dmz zone and the green zone, they estimate that if an hacker
can take control on the dmz zone server they the can access the green zone
from that server, so flows going from the dmz zone to the green zone are
forbidden and blocked by network firewalls,

First idea : So what I need is to create something like a reverse tunnel
between the green zone and HAProxy,

Do you think it is possible, and if it's, what's the best way to do this, I
would like to have Haproxy in the DMZ and Applications Servers connecting
from the green zone to the HAProxy in the DMZ Zone and passing requests to
the green zone (requests are going from the dmz zone to the green zone with
a reverse connection)

Do I need to code something for this, and if yes, what is the best way to
do it ? Any idea ?

Thank you really much to people interested on this exiting pattern !

Best regards,



Forbidden :

Internet --> DMZ --> Green Zone

Authorized :

Internet --> DMZ <--- Green Zone

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