Hi Lukas

> However I doubt that this is a proper solution. Any other ideas?
> The proper solution depends on the problem you are trying to solve.
> What is the problem you are trying to solve?

Basically the following:

1) Each backend server only allows a maximum of 6 concurrent sessions.
2) Higher number (7+) of concurrent sessions/connections are to be a)
balanced to other backend servers or b) refused and send a HTTP error back
to the client
3) Any new request can be balanced to whatever available backend server.
4) Once a HTTP request landed on a backend, all follow-up requests (this is
a keep-alive connection) must go to the same backend again
5) If backend is down and a request is supposed to land on it, rather send
a HTTP error back to the client than to failover to another (available)

The points 1 and 2 were solved with the combination "maxqueue 1" and
"timeout queue" as written before.
For 4 and 5 I was still scratching my head because some of the requests
were landing on the "wrong" backend server when (for reason X) a backend
server was down.

But you already gave me the solution:

You probably want "option persist" [1] instead?

I didn't see that option before. I just tested it, it works as I need it in
that setup.

Thanks a lot!


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