
as I did not receive any reply at all to my email from Aug 13 I thought
I resend it (Quoted below). Can anyone at least verify that my bug
report is valid? :-)


Am 13.08.2017 um 13:19 schrieb Tim Düsterhus:
> Hi
> I run haproxy with 'load-server-state-from-file'. Before reloading
> haproxy I dump the state using:
> echo show servers state |nc -U admin.sock > /etc/haproxy/state/global
> I noticed a buggy behaviour with this:
> 1. Check that the backend is 'DOWN'.
> 2. Dump the state using the command above (the 'DOWN' state is written
> into the file).
> 3. Remove the health check of the backend.
> 4. Reload haproxy.
> 5. The backend will now be 'DOWN' forever, as the initial state taken
> from the file is 'DOWN' and no health checks are running.
> I attached an example configuration and an example state file. To
> reproduce the issue:
> 1. Start haproxy.
> 2. Open the Stats page.
> 3. Place the state file.
> 4. Remove the 'check' from the configuration.
> 5. Reload haproxy.
> 6. Start the backend.
> 7. Reload the Stats page and notice that the backend still is 'DOWN'.
> Tim

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