Well, I have no idea why you don't get those core files. It's also quite
odd that you get chrooted without the chroot directive. Maybre 'rgrep
chroot /etc' to check if there is anything fishy. Is there anything
special in your environment? Running in a container with memory limits

To be sure the core pattern works correctly, could you run:

ulimit -c unlimited
python -c 'import os,time; os.chroot("/var/lib/haproxy"); time.sleep(1000)' &
kill -SEGV %1

You should get a "segmentation fault (core dumped)" and a core file in
/var/lib/haproxy/tmp. If not, check in /tmp directly (on my system, I
didn't get the core file in the chroot, this is new to me). If it
doesn't work, try without os.chroot() and check you get a core file in
All things that are, are with more spirit chased than enjoyed.
                -- Shakespeare, "Merchant of Venice"

 ――――――― Original Message ―――――――
 From: Marcus Ulbrich <m.ulbr...@tu-braunschweig.de>
 Sent:  2 octobre 2017 16:39 +0200
 Subject: Re: Haproxy segfault error 4 in libc-2.24
 To: Vincent Bernat
 Cc: haproxy@formilux.org

> okay...
> $# sysctl kernel.core_pattern
> kernel.core_pattern = /tmp/core.%e.%p.%h.%t
> $# ls -ld /var/lib/haproxy/tmp
> drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Okt  2 16:11 /var/lib/haproxy/tmp

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