On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 11:25 PM, Ruben <rdoc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have some stateful chat servers (SockJS) running in docker swarm mode.
> When doing dig chat I get an unordered randomized list of servers for
> example:
> (every time the order is different)
> The chat is accessed by a chatName url parameter. Now I want to be able to
> run a chat-load-balancer service in docker with multiple replicas using the
> haproxy image.
> The problem is that docker always resolves to a randomized list when doing
> dig chat.
> I want to map the chatName param from the url to a fixed server which
> always have the same ip from the list of ips of dig chat. So the mapping of
> the url_param should not be based on the position of the server in the
> list, but solely on the ip of the server.
> So for example ?chatName=fun should always route to ip, no
> matter what.
> My current haproxy.cfg is:
> defaults
>   mode http
>   timeout client 5s
>   timeout connect 5s
>   timeout server 5s
> frontend frontend_chat
>   bind :80
>   mode http
>   timeout client 120s
>   option forwardfor
>   option http-server-close
>   option http-pretend-keepalive
>   default_backend backend_chat
> backend backend_chat
>   balance url_param chatName
>   timeout server 120s
>   server chat chat:80
> At the moment it seems that only the Commercial Subscribtion of Nginx can
> handle this kind of cases using the sticky route $variable ...; directive
> in the upstream module.

​Maybe try:

http-request set-header Host if { query -m beg -i chatName=fun }​

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