Hello Andy,

2017-11-03 13:44 GMT+01:00 Franks Andy (IT Technical Architecture
Manager) <andy.fra...@sath.nhs.uk>:
> First of all, the errorloc “redirection” from a 503 works fine but since
> this intranet page is configured using an internal CA certificate and for
> some reason the client doesn’t see the letscrypt certificate, rather the one
> from the website itself, it therefore warns on the client browser if they
> don’t have the internal CA root cert installed as trusted.

Its is a redirection. Not sure why you put it in quotes, this is a
proper redirection which
means the browser will close the connection to haproxy and opens a
direct connection to
your intranet page, which then, of course will serve the internal certificate.

If you open the intranet page in your browser:

it won't use the letsencrypt certificate either, because the request
does not go through

> I would have thought that the client should get the letscrypt frontend
> certificate in this case? How come not, and is there any way of fixing this?

You need to figure out what you would like haproxy to do. Clealry a
redirect is not
what you want.

> I’d rather keep ssl between DMZ and intranet zone if possible; obviously
> using plain http for the errorloc 503 is one way around, but would rather
> not do this.

So no redirect, no plain http error either. Seems like you need to handle
it in a different backend then.

Something like this (first line in the frontend before default_backend):
use_backend bk_clinicalportalholding if nbsrv(bk_portal_ssl) eq 0

backend bk_clinicalportalholding
 mode http
 http-request set-uri /clinicalportal/clinicalportalholding.htm
 server intranet intranet:443 ssl verify none


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