Good morning,

My HAproxy drops http connections made from an Hikvision devices because I have a  <space> in the request. I tried to set the HAproxy  according to this:

The result didn't change, can you please give me a Hit? I can't change the device behavior, but I need the request to be accepted



echo "show errors" | socat unix-connect:/var/run/haproxy.stat stdio
Total events captured on [06/Nov/2017:14:16:05.751] : 12
[06/Nov/2017:14:16:05.342] frontend http (#4): invalid request
  backend <NONE> (#-1), server <NONE> (#-1), event #11
  src, session #18, session flags 0x00000088
  HTTP msg state 26, msg flags 0x00000000, tx flags 0x00000000
  HTTP chunk len 0 bytes, HTTP body len 0 bytes
  buffer flags 0x00908002, out 0 bytes, total 1278 bytes
  pending 1278 bytes, wrapping at 16392, error at position 35:
  00000  POST /onvifevents/test.cgi HTTP/1.1 \r\n
  00038  Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate \r\n
  00070  Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8\r\n
  00121  Host: \r\n
  00143  Content-Length: 1092\r\n
  00165  Connection: close\r\n
  00184  \r\n
  00186  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n
  00225  <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="";  x
  00295+ mlns:tev="";  xmlns:wsa="http://w
  00365+"  xmlns:tt="
  00435+ hema"  xmlns:wsnt="";  xmlns:tns1="ht
  00505+ tp://" >\n
  00540  <soap:Header>\n
  00554  <wsa:To soap:mustUnderstand="true">
  00624+ /test.cgi</wsa:To>\n
  00643  <wsa:Action>
  00713+ otify</wsa:Action>\n
  00732  </soap:Header>\n
  00747  <soap:Body>\n
  00759  <wsnt:Notify>\n
  00773  <wsnt:NotificationMessage>\n
  00800  <wsnt:Topic Dialect="
  00870+ ncreteSet">tns1:Device/Trigger/DigitalInput</wsnt:Topic>\n
  00927  <wsnt:Message>\n
  00942  <tt:Message UtcTime="2017-11-06T13:45:57Z" PropertyOperation="Changed"
  01012+ >\n
  01014  <tt:Source>\n
  01026  <tt:SimpleItem Name="InputToken" Value="DigitalInputToken002"/>\n
  01090  </tt:Source>\n
  01103  <tt:Data>\n
  01113  <tt:SimpleItem Name="LogicalState" Value="false"/>\n
  01164  </tt:Data>\n
  01175  </tt:Message>\n
  01189  </wsnt:Message>\n
  01205  </wsnt:NotificationMessage>\n
  01233  </wsnt:Notify>\n
  01248  </soap:Body>\n
  01261  </soap:Envelope>\n

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