I finally got the backend rate limiting working pretty well. Here is the
configuration settings in case it helps anyone else do the same:

frontend http-fe
        bind <ip>
        default_backend http-be

backend http-be
        http-request track-sc2 fe_id
        stick-table type integer size 1k expire 30s store
        acl within_limit sc2_gpc0_rate() le 1000
        acl increment_gpc0 sc2_inc_gpc0 ge 0
        http-request allow if within_limit increment_gpc0
        http-request deny deny_status 429 if !within_limit
        server my-server <ip>

During the test, the stick table contents were:
0x16e593c: key=3 use=98 exp=29999 gpc0=44622 gpc0_rate(1000)=1000

Test results:
# wrk -t 40 -c 4000 -d 30s <ip>
RPS: 1003.05 (Total requests: 2031922 Good: 30192 Errors: 2001730 Time:

Margin of error: 0.3%

- Krishna

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:02 AM, Krishna Kumar (Engineering) <
krishna...@flipkart.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 11:57 PM, Lukas Tribus <lu...@ltri.eu> wrote:
> Hi Lukas,
> > Yes, in 1.7 you can change server maxconn values in real time using
> > the admin socket:
> > https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.7/management.html
> #9.3-set%20maxconn%20server
> Thanks, will take a look at if we can use this. The only issue is that we
> want to
> be able to change rps very often, and some backend sections contain upto
> 500 servers (and much more during sales), and doing that on the fly at high
> frequency may not scale.
> > You are reluctant to elaborate on the bigger picture, so I guess
> > generic advice is not what you are looking for. I just hope you are
> > not trying to build some kind of distributed rate-limiting
> > functionality with this.
> Sorry, not reluctance, I thought giving too much detail would put off
> people
> from taking a look :) So you are right, we are trying to build a
> distributed rate
> limiting feature, and the control plane is mostly ready (thanks to HAProxy
> developers for making such a performant/configurable system). The service
> monitors current http_request_rate and current RPS setting via uds every
> second, and updates these values to a central repository (zookeeper), and
> on demand, tries to increase capacity by requesting capacity from other
> servers so as to keep capacity constant at the configured value (e.g. 1000
> RPS). Is this something you would not recommend?
> > I don't have enough experience with stick-tables to comment on this
> > generally, but I would suggest you upgrade to a current 1.7 release
> > first of all and retry your tests. There are currently 223 bugs fixed
> > in releases AFTER 1.6.3:
> > http://www.haproxy.org/bugs/bugs-1.6.3.html
> Thanks, we are considering moving to this version.
> > Maybe someone more stick-table savvy can comment on your specific
> question.
> If anyone else has done something similar, would really like to hear from
> you on
> how to control RPS in the backend.
> Regards,
> - Krishna

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