Hi Johan,

Op 14-12-2017 om 9:35 schreef Johan Hendriks:
Op 13/12/2017 om 20:48 schreef PiBa-NL:
Hi Johan,

Op 13-12-2017 om 17:31 schreef Johan Hendriks:
When i use the show stat command I get different results?
Just a guess, are you using?: nbproc > 1
Yes indeed i use nbproc > 1, There are no old processes running on the
This is my global config

         nbproc          8

#        stats bind-process 1
Oke so 'uncommenting' this 'fixed' the issue that you set a server to maintenance state in the first haproxy process, and you are viewing the 'show stat' of that first process..
         stats socket /var/run/haproxy/info.sock mode 600 level admin
         log local1 notice

         log     global
         mode    http

listen stats
bind :8077
perhaps you would like to bind this port also to the first process.? so webgui will show the state also of the first PID.?
    mode http
    stats enable
    stats scope web-backend
    stats uri /
    stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics

I just saw that I commented out stats bind-process 1
I did uncomment it and it seems to be working now for the echo "show
stat" | socat /var/run/haproxy/info.sock stdio part, it is not switching
to UP sometimes, but the web GUI is showing the server is UP. It did
show it in maintenance mode first but after a while it shows UP instead
of maintenance.

Thank you very much for your time.


If youve understood how nbproc works, it just means haproxy gets started several times simultaneously and each keeps its own state. That means you need to configure 8 separate stats sockets, and 8 stats websites, and when setting a server to maintenance you need to make sure all 8 process are set to this new state.

In your current config visit the stats page and press ctrl+F5 several times in the browser(firefox?), youl see the pid on the stats page change, and also if your 'lucky' you might see the server sometimes is in maintenance mode when you by chance are requesting the stats page of the same process / PID you changed that state on..

Anyhow.. i don't have a example ready myself but have seen some pass on the mailinglist how to configure multiple sockets for this.. Hope above comments gets you going in the right idea :)



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