Hi Paul,

I add Emeric to the thread.

Le 23/12/2017 à 02:41, Paul Lockaby a écrit :
Hello, I recently upgraded to 1.8.1 and noticed a pretty big functional 
difference that I can't attribute to any listed change in the changelog. Here 
is my configuration:

     log /dev/log local0
     user nobody
     group nobody

     # set timeout to ten minutes
     timeout connect 5000ms
     timeout client 600000ms
     timeout server 600000ms

     option httplog
     option forwardfor
     option http-server-close
     option contstats

frontend unsecured
     bind *:80
     mode http
     log global
     redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }

frontend secured
     bind *:443 ssl crt /usr/local/ssl/certs/example.com.pem
     mode http
     log global
     default_backend example-http

backend example-http
     mode http
     log global
     balance source
     hash-type consistent
     option httpchk GET /haproxy/alive.txt
     http-check disable-on-404
     server example01 example01.com:8443 check ssl ca-file 
     server example02 example02.com:8443 check ssl ca-file 
     server example03 example03.com:8443 check ssl ca-file 

 From 1.7 to 1.8 the functionality in "http-check disable-on-404" seems to have 

On 1.7.9, this configuration would cause a backend server to become unavailable if the path 
"/haproxy/alive.txt" returned a 404. The host would be marked "active or backup SOFT 
STOPPED for maintenance" and it would no longer be given new requests.

On 1.8.1, when "/haproxy/alive.txt" returns a 404 the host STAYS in the rotation and continues to 
receive new requests! I am able to work around it by removing "http-check disable-on-404" and then 
when the file disappears the host just goes to "active or backup DOWN". But the change from 1.7 to 
1.8 was jarring and surprising and I did not see anything in the changelog indicating that this is supposed 
to have changed like this. Was I doing it wrong from the beginning?

It looks to be a code regression.

Emeric, can you have a look at commit 5a1335110c ? It seems there was an unwanted change in the function call : srv_set_stopping() was replaced by srv_set_running()
/* Marks the check <check> as valid and tries to set its server into stopping mode
@@ -406,7 +371,7 @@ static void check_notify_stopping(struct check *check)
if ((s->agent.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) && (s->agent.health < s->agent.rise))

- srv_set_stopping(s, (!s->track && !(s->proxy->options2 & PR_O2_LOGHCHKS)) ? check_reason_string(check) : NULL); + srv_set_running(s, NULL, (!s->track && !(s->proxy->options2 & PR_O2_LOGHCHKS)) ? check : NULL);

Thanks ;-)

Cyril Bonté

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