On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 9:23 PM, Tim Düsterhus <t...@bastelstu.be> wrote:
> https://github.com/TimWolla/haproxy-auth-request
> This Lua script reimplements the idea behind nginx'
> ngx_http_auth_request_module in haproxy: It allows you to decide whether
> an HTTP request should be allowed or not based on the result of an HTTP
> request to a backend service.

Nice little tool!

Quick question though:  does this script actually block HAproxy's
event loop while waiting for the response from the backend server?

(I've read quickly through your article describing the script, but
failed to get a clear answer to this question.  Moreover looking at
the script, unless HAProxy does something "funky" with the Lua
interpreter to give the impression of a synchronous API, I would say
it does block the HAProxy thread that calls this script.)


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