On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 5:09 PM, Ben Draut <dra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Assuming no one else is already working on the feature, I'd like to
> contribute
> the change to have the resolvers section fall back to parsing
> /etc/resolv.conf
> when no nameserver directives are present.
> This was previously discussed here: https://www.mail-archive
> .com/haproxy@formilux.org/msg28626.html.
> (Jim Freeman and I are colleagues.)
> I've been surveying the code to see how it could be implemented. I think it
> would make sense to register a 'post_section_parser' for the resolvers
> section
> that would add the nameservers from /etc/resolv.conf if no nameservers were
> specified in the section. As Jim pointed out previously, libresolv could
> be used
> to parse the file. If that's undesirable for some reason, we could parse it
> ourselves.
> I'm new to the codebase, so I'm open to any suggestions or guidance anyone
> may have.
> Thanks,
> Ben

Hi Ben,

I welcome this feature, though I have a few comments:
- I have nothing against libresolv, but I think this function should be
implemented natively in HAProxy
- (for Lukas) what do you think is better, a configuration option to
trigger parsing of resolv.conf or as proposed, if no nameserver are found,
we use resolv.conf as a failback?

As the maintainer of the DNS code in HAProxy, don't hesitate to ask me any


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