Well after having read your thread that's disappointing.  An alternative
solution to forcing healthchecks before the bind It would be nice to have
an option to initially start all servers in the down state unless
explicitly loaded as up via a "show servers state
/load-server-state-from-file" option.

Additionally, in a "seamless reload" configuration as we are using, would
it be possible for the new haproxy to complete a healthcheck on backends
after it has bound to the socket, but before it has signaled the old
haproxy, or am I missing another gotcha there.

Also we are doing all this using 1.8.7.


On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 12:35 PM Jonathan Matthews <cont...@jpluscplusm.com>

> On Fri, 13 Apr 2018 at 00:01, Dave Chiluk <chiluk+hapr...@indeed.com>
> wrote:
>> Is there a way to force haproxy to not use a backend until it passes a
>> healthcheck?  I'm also worried about the side affects this might cause as
>> requests start to queue up in the haproxy
> I asked about this in 2014 ("Current solutions to the
> soft-restart-healthcheck-spread problem?") and I don't recall seeing a fix
> since then. Very interested in whatever you find out!
> J
>> --
> Jonathan Matthews
> London, UK
> http://www.jpluscplusm.com/contact.html

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