Hi Baptiste,

On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 09:27:09AM +0200, Baptiste wrote:
> Hi Willy,
> I don't see anywhere DNS over TCP mentioned.

I have reported what I'm aware people are currently working on, as you
know I don't want to speculate anymore about what would be nice to have
if someone was willing to work on it, since the roadmap file is already
full of this.

> From my point of view (and integration with consul / kubernetes), it's an
> important topic and I'd like to get it done by 1.9, ideally.
> I have not checked yet how this could be implemented in HAProxy, but I
> don't really feel comfortable to do it, I'm afraid it's a huge task and I
> won't have enough time to do it.

I certainly can understand, but first it means that someone will have
to step up saying "I'm willing to work on this" and second you'll have
to find at least enough time to help this person and go back and forth
with the review, and later for the debugging. As you know this is not
a negligible part of the job at all!


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