On 7/17/2018 2:17 PM, Jonathan Matthews wrote:
> That's *entirely* your local syslog daemon's responsibility -
> configure it appropriately, and it'll do what you want.

I seem to remember there being logging options to have haproxy create
logfiles directly, in addition to syslog.  But now when I look, I can't
find it, so I guess I was imagining that.

> Read the haproxy docs on this - you want to tune the "length"
> parameter: 
> http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.8/configuration.html#3.1-log
> As the docs say: some syslog servers allow messages >1024, some don't.

I will have to research how to make rsyslog handle longer messages, and
try out the config in that blog post for per-host logging with rsyslog.


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