On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 4:49 PM, jdtommy <jdto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> here is my simple `listen` section of the haproxy config file:
>     listen graph_front
>        bind *:8182
>        mode tcp
>        server graph_server graph.server.com:8182
> this works just fine, but I need the address and port to be a environment
> variable. So I changed it to this:
>     listen graph_front
>        bind *:8182
>        mode tcp
>        server graph_server "$GRAPH_ADDRESS":"$GRAPH_PORT"
> the haproxy server restarts just fine, but it no longer forwards to the
> address in the environment variables.
> any ideas?

​Where are you setting the variables?​

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