Hi Julian,

On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 12:58:27PM -0400, Julien Semaan wrote:
> Hi Olivier,
> Glad you're able to replicate it because I can't get it to happen
> consistently!
> I'd be happy if you could share the details of how it could be replicated if
> that's not too complex or hard to explain via email.

Sorry, that was a "can" that really meant "can't" :) I can't reproduce it.

> Anyway, attached to this email, you'll find the haproxy configuration that
> has gotten the issue.
> Also, a lua script we do use and that is referenced in the configuration.
> This is running on CentOS 7.5.1804 with kernel 3.10.0-862.6.3.el7.x86_64
> It is running through systemd, unit file attached to this email as well.
> Let me know if you need more infos, and I'll be glad to provide them or if
> you have a pcap I can replay to generate this issue in our lab.
> Best Regards,

Thanks a lot for the informations !
I'm now pretty sure it's not related to directly splicing, more likely some 
memory corruption.
Can you try to upgrade to 1.8.12 ? A number of bugs have been fixed since
What kind hove load do you have when it segfaults ?

Thanks !


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