Hi,I'm running haproxy 1.8.12 on Ubuntu 14.04. For some reason, haproxy does 
not reuse connections to backend servers. For testing purposes, I'm sending the 
same HTTP request multiple times over the same TCP connection.
The servers do not respond with Connection: close and do not close the 
connections. The wireshark capture shows haproxy RST-ing the connections  a few 
hundred milliseconds after the servers reply. The servers send no FIN nor RST 
to haproxy.

I tried various settings (http-reuse always, option http-keep-alive, both at 
global and backend level), no luck.
The problem goes away if I have a single backend server, but obviously that's 
not a viable option in real life.
Here's my haproxy.cfg:
global        #daemon        maxconn 256
defaults        mode http        timeout connect 5000ms        timeout client 
50000ms        timeout server 50000ms
        option http-keep-alive        timeout http-keep-alive 30s        
http-reuse always
frontend http-in        bind        default_backend servers
backend servers        server server1 maxconn 32        
server server2 maxconn 32
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,Alessandro

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