Friendly bump.
I'd volunteer to do some documentation amendments once I understand the issue 
better :D

> On 21. Aug 2018, at 16:17, Daniel Schneller 
> <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am trying to wrap my head around an issue we are seeing where there are 
> many HTTP 504 responses sent out to clients.
> I suspect that due to a client bug they stop sending data midway during the 
> data phase of the request, but they keep the connection open.
> What I see in the haproxy logs is a 504 response with termination flags 
> "sHNN".
> That I read as haproxy getting impatient (timeout server) waiting for 
> response headers from the backend. The backend, not having seen the complete 
> request yet, can't really answer at this point, of course.
> I am wondering though, why it is that I see the I don't see a termination 
> state indicating a client problem.
> So my question (for now ;-)) boils down to these points:
> 1) When does the server timeout actually start counting? Am I right to assume 
> it is from the last moment the server sent or (in this case) received some 
> data?
> 2) If both "timeout server" and "timeout client" are set to the same value, 
> and the input stalls (after the headers) longer than that, is it just that 
> the implementation is such that the server side timeout "wins" when it comes 
> to setting the termination flags?
> 3) If I set the client timeout shorter than the server timeout and produced 
> this situation, should I then see a cD state?  If so, would I be right to 
> assume that if the server were now to stall, the log could again be 
> misleading in telling me that the client timeout expired first?
> I understand it is difficult to tell "who's to blame" for an inactivity 
> timeout without knowledge about the content or final size of the request -- I 
> just need some clarity on how the read the logs :)
> Thanks!
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel Schneller
> Principal Cloud Engineer
> CenterDevice GmbH
> Rheinwerkallee 3
> 53227 Bonn
> <>
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