
I have a problem understanding a particular log line from HAProxy 1.7.11 in
production system. My clients report problems from time to time. They make
another request and all is OK. This is the log format used:

log-format %tr\ %ci:%cp\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %TR/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Ta\ %ST\ %B\ %CC\
%CS\ %tsc\ %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\ %hr\ %hs\ %{+Q}r\ %ID\ %U\

and the problematic log line:

02/Oct/2018:09:55:14.997 <ip-redacted>:46007 http-in c_backend/<NOSRV>
44/-1/-1/-1/44 -1 25 - - CHNN 143/36/2/0/3 0/0 {} {} "PUT /api/xyz/status
HTTP/1.1" <id-redacted> 764 0

I can see that c_backend was properly selected based on acls. I can see
that client sent 764 bytes to HAProxy. The termination code is CH - client
aborted connection while HAProxy was waiting for headers from server. What
server ? There is <NOSRV> and connection time of -1. There were 3
connection retries. HAProxy got 25 bytes from a server. The config contains:

  retries   3
  option    redispatch

Yet the retries is not +3 so it seems the redispatch did not take place.

This is all confusing evidence. Can you explain what really happened ?


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