On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 9:16 AM James Brown <jbr...@easypost.com> wrote:
> I tested enabling HTTP/2 on the frontend for some of our sites today and 
> immediately started getting a flurry of failures. Browsers (at least Chrome) 
> showed a lot of SPDY protocol errors and the HAProxy logs had a lot of lines 
> ending in
> https_domain_redacted/<NOSRV> -1/-1/-1/-1/100 400 187 - - PR-- 49/2/0/0/0 0/0

Possible reasons:

1. You don't have openssl v1.0.2 installed (assuming you use openssl)
on a server(s)
2. You have changed your config for h2 suport but your server(s) is
still running haproxy 1.7 (i.e. hasn't been restarted after upgrade
and still using the old 1.7 binary instead 1.8)

> There were no useful or interesting errors logged to syslog. No sign of any 
> resources being exhausted (conntrack seems fine, etc). The times varied but 
> Ta was always low (usually around 100ms). I have not been able to reproduce 
> this issue in a staging environment, so it may be something "real browsers" 
> do that doesn't show up with h2load et al.
> Turning off HTTP/2 (setting "alpn http/1.1") completely solves the problem.
> The following timeouts are set on all of the affected frontends:
>     retries 3
>     timeout client 9s
>     timeout connect 3s
>     timeout http-keep-alive 5m
>     tcp-request inspect-delay 4s
>     option http-server-close
> Additionally, we set maxconn to a very high value (20480).
> Backends generally have timeout server set to a largeish value (90-300 
> seconds, depending on the backend).
> Anything jump out at anyone?
> --
> James Brown
> Systems & Network Engineer
> EasyPost

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