
attached a doc update for the new features of HAProxy 1.9.

I hope the patch full fills the CONTRIBUTING rules as
I haven't send patched to the list for long time ;-)

From c0e025e81b87a23f679aff80bddc02a96c4d43b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aleksandar Lazic <al-hapr...@none.at>
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2019 09:54:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] DOC: Add HTX part in the documentation

 doc/configuration.txt | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index fe5eb250..38ed12ed 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -192,8 +192,7 @@ HAProxy supports 4 connection modes :
 For HTTP/2, the connection mode resembles more the "server close" mode : given
 the independence of all streams, there is currently no place to hook the idle
 server connection after a response, so it is closed after the response. HTTP/2
-is only supported for incoming connections, not on connections going to
+supports now end 2 end mode and trailers which is requierd for gRPC.
 1.2. HTTP request
@@ -384,6 +383,53 @@ Response headers work exactly like request headers, and as such, HAProxy uses
 the same parsing function for both. Please refer to paragraph 1.2.2 for more
+1.3.3. HAProxy HTX
+In this version of HAProxy was a new http-engine developed. With this huge 
+rewrite of the http engine is it now possible to add "easier" some other and 
+new protocols.
+It is requierd to use option http-use-htx to activate this new engine.
+With HTX is it now possible to handle the following protocols with HAProxy.
+HTTP/1.x <> HTTP/2
+HTTP/2 <> HTTP/1.x
+The Diagramm below was described in this post.
+   +-----------------------------+ stream
+   |     all HTTP processing     | layer
+   +-----------------------------+
+       ^         ^         ^    
+   HTX |     HTX |     HTX |     normalised
+       v         v         v      interface
+   +------+ +--------+ +--------+ 
+   |applet| | HTTP/1 | | HTTP/2 | whatever layer (called mux for now
+   +------+ +--------+ +--------+ but may change once we have others,
+    cache     |    |     |    |     could be presentation in OSI)
+    stats     | +----------+  | 
+    Lua svc   | |    TLS   |  | transport layer
+              | +----------+  |
+              |       |       | 
+            +---------------------+ 
+            | TCP/Unix/socketpair | control layer
+            +---------------------+ 
+                      |       
+            +----------------------+
+            |    file descriptor   |  socket layer
+            +----------------------+
+                      |
+                 +-----------+
+                 | operating |
+                 |  system   |
+                 +-----------+
 2. Configuring HAProxy

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