On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 6:09 AM Igor Cicimov <ig...@encompasscorporation.com>

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 2:29 PM Igor Cicimov <
> ig...@encompasscorporation.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a Jetty frontend exposed for couple of ActiveMQ servers behind SSL
>> terminating Haproxy-1.8.18. They share same storage and state via lock file
>> and there is only one active AMQ at any given time. I'm testing this now
>> with dynamic backend using Consul DNS resolution:
>> # dig +short @ -p 8600 activemq.service.consul
>> # dig +short @ -p 8600 _activemq._tcp.service.consul SRV
>> 1 1 61616 ip-10-140-4-122.node.dc1.consul.
>> 1 1 61616 ip-10-140-3-171.node.dc1.consul.
>> The backends status, the current "master":
>> root@ip-10-140-3-171:~/configuration-management# netstat -tuplen | grep
>> java
>> tcp        0      0  *
>> LISTEN      503        13749196    17256/java
>> tcp        0      0 *
>> LISTEN      503        13749193    17256/java
>> and the "slave":
>> root@ip-10-140-4-122:~# netstat -tuplen | grep java
>> So the service ports are not available on the second one.
>> This is the relevant part of the HAP config that I think might be of
>> interest:
>> global
>>     server-state-base /var/lib/haproxy
>>     server-state-file hap_state
>> defaults
>>     load-server-state-from-file global
>>     default-server init-addr    last,libc,none
>> listen amq
>>     bind ... ssl crt ...
>>     mode http
>>     option prefer-last-server
>>     # when this is on the backend is down
>>     #option tcp-check
>>     default-server inter 10s downinter 5s rise 2 fall 2 slowstart 60s
>> maxconn 25 maxqueue 256 weight 100
>>     # working but both show as up
>>     server-template amqs 2 activemq.service.consul:8161 check
>>     # working old static setup
>>     #server ip-10-140-3-171 check
>>     #server ip-10-140-4-122 check
>> This is working but the thing is I see both servers as UP in the HAP
>> console:
>> [image: amqs.png]
>> Is this normal for this kind of setup or I'm doing something wrong?
>> Another observation, when I have tcp check enabled like:
>>     option tcp-check
>> the way I had it with the static lines like:
>>     server ip-10-140-3-171 check
>>     server ip-10-140-4-122 check
>> then both servers show as down.
>> Thanks in advance for any kind of input.
>> Igor
>> Ok, the state has changed now, I have correct state on one haproxy:
> [image: amqs_hap1.png]
> but on the second the whole backend is down:
> [image: amqs_hap2.png]
> I confirmed via telnet that I can connect to port 8161 to the running amq
> server from both haproxy servers.

Hi Igor,

You're using the libc resolver function at startup time to resolve your
backend, this is not recommended integration with Consul.
 You will find some good explanations in this blog article:


Basically, you should first create a "resolvers" section, in order to allow
HAProxy to perform DNS resolution at runtime too.

resolvers consul
  nameserver consul
  accepted_payload_size 8192

Then, you need to adjust your server-template line, like this:
server-template amqs 10 _activemq._tcp.service.consul resolvers consul
resolve-prefer ipv4 check

In the example above, I am using on purpose the SRV records, because
HAProxy supports it and it will use all information available in the
response to update server's IP, weight and port.

I hope this will help you.


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