Hi ,
     I am a novice for HAProxy, was checking if HAProxy can support rate
limiting per url basis.
I did check some examples and documentation, amount of info is

My back end server exposes url's say
1) /api/v1/{client_name}/transfer_data
    Ex: /api/v1/client1/transfer_data or  /api/v1/client2/transfer_data
 2) /api/v1/{client_name}/user_data
     Ex: /api/v1/client1/user_data or /api/v1/client2/user_data

where client1 and client2 are client identifiers which are known ahead at

I would want to configure 1000 tps for url /api/v1/client1/transfer_data or
500 tps for /api/v1/client2/user_data and so on....

I did try out some config but did not help much ( based on this link:
https://jve.linuxwall.info/ressources/taf/haproxy-aws/#id28 )

Can I get some reference for a url based rate limiting, so that I can build
on this ....

Thanks in advance.

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