
Friendly bump :)
I'd be willing to amend the documentation once I understand what's going on :D


> On 18. Mar 2019, at 20:28, Daniel Schneller 
> <daniel.schnel...@centerdevice.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I assume I am misunderstanding something, but I cannot figure out what it is.
> We are using haproxy in AWS, in this case as sidecars to applications so they 
> need not
> know about changing backend addresses at all, but can always talk to 
> localhost.
> Haproxy listens on localhost and then forwards traffic to an ELB instance. 
> This works great, but there have been two occasions now, where due to a 
> change in the
> ELB's IP addresses, our services went down, because the backends could not be 
> reached
> anymore. I don't understand why haproxy sticks to the old IP address instead 
> of going
> to one of the updated ones.
> There is a resolvers section which points to the local dnsmasq instance 
> (there to send
> some requests to consul, but that's not used here). All other traffic is 
> forwarded on
> to the AWS DNS server set via DHCP.
> I managed to get timely updates and updated backend servers when using 
> server-template,
> but form what I understand this should not really be necessary for this. 
> This is the trimmed down sidecar config. I have not made any changes to dns 
> timeouts etc.
> resolvers default
>  # dnsmasq
>  nameserver local
> listen regular
>  bind
>  option dontlog-normal
>  server lb-internal loadbalancer-internal.xxx.yyy:9300 resolvers default 
> check addr loadbalancer-internal.xxx.yyy port 9300
> listen templated
>  bind
>  option dontlog-normal
>  option httpchk /haproxy-simple-healthcheck
>  server-template lb-internal 2 loadbalancer-internal.xxx.yyy:9200 resolvers 
> default check  port 9299
> To simulate changing ELB adresses, I added entries for 
> loadbalancer-internal.xxx.yyy in /etc/hosts
> and to be able to control them via dnsmasq.
> I tried different scenarios, but could not reliably predict what would happen 
> in all cases.
> The address ending in 52 (marked as "valid" below) is a currently (as of the 
> time of testing) 
> valid IP for the ELB. The one ending in 199 (marked "invalid") is an unused 
> private IP address
> in my VPC.
> Starting with /etc/hosts:
>  loadbalancer-internal.xxx.yyy    # valid
> loadbalancer-internal.xxx.yyy    # invalid
> haproxy starts and reports:
> regular:   lb-internal     UP/L7OK
> templated: lb-internal1  DOWN/L4TOUT
>           lb-internal2    UP/L7OK
> That's expected. Now when I edit /etc/hosts to _only_ contain the _invalid_ 
> address
> and restart dnsmasq, I would expect both proxies to go fully down. But only 
> the templated
> proxy behaves like that:
> regular:   lb-internal     UP/L7OK
> templated: lb-internal1  DOWN/L4TOUT
>           lb-internal2  MAINT (resolution)
> Reloading haproxy in this state leads to:
> regular:   lb-internal   DOWN/L4TOUT
> templated: lb-internal1  MAINT (resolution)
>           lb-internal2  DOWN/L4TOUT
> After fixing /etc/hosts to include the valid server again and restarting 
> dnsmasq:
> regular:   lb-internal   DOWN/L4TOUT
> templated: lb-internal1    UP/L7OK
>           lb-internal2  DOWN/L4TOUT
> Shouldn't the regular proxy also recognize the change and bring the backend 
> up or down
> depending on the DNS change? I have waited for several health check rounds 
> (seeing 
> "* L4TOUT" and "L4TOUT") toggle, but it still never updates.
> I also tried to have _only_ the invalid address in /etc/hosts, then 
> restarting haproxy.
> The regular backends will never recognize it when I add the valid one back in.
> The templated one does, _unless_ I set it up to have only 1 instead of 2 
> server slots.
> In that case it behaves will also only pick up the valid server when reloaded.
> On the other hand, it _will_ recognize when I remove the valid server without 
> a reload
> on the next health check, but _not_ bring them back in and make the proxy UP 
> when it 
> comes back.
> I assume my understanding of something here is broken, and I would gladly be 
> told
> about it :)
> Thanks a lot!
> Daniel
> Version Info:
> ------------------
> $ haproxy -vv
> HA-Proxy version 1.8.19-1ppa1~trusty 2019/02/12
> Copyright 2000-2019 Willy Tarreau <wi...@haproxy.org>
> Build options :
>  TARGET  = linux2628
>  CPU     = generic
>  CC      = gcc
>  CFLAGS  = -O2 -g -O2 -fPIE -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 
> -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fno-strict-aliasing 
> -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fwrapv -Wno-unused-label
> Default settings :
>  maxconn = 2000, bufsize = 16384, maxrewrite = 1024, maxpollevents = 200
> Built with OpenSSL version : OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
> Running on OpenSSL version : OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
> OpenSSL library supports TLS extensions : yes
> OpenSSL library supports SNI : yes
> OpenSSL library supports : SSLv3 TLSv1.0 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2
> Built with Lua version : Lua 5.3.1
> Built with transparent proxy support using: IP_TRANSPARENT IPV6_TRANSPARENT 
> Encrypted password support via crypt(3): yes
> Built with multi-threading support.
> Built with PCRE version : 8.31 2012-07-06
> Running on PCRE version : 8.31 2012-07-06
> PCRE library supports JIT : no (libpcre build without JIT?)
> Built with zlib version : 1.2.8
> Running on zlib version : 1.2.8
> Compression algorithms supported : identity("identity"), deflate("deflate"), 
> raw-deflate("deflate"), gzip("gzip")
> Built with network namespace support.
> Available polling systems :
>      epoll : pref=300,  test result OK
>       poll : pref=200,  test result OK
>     select : pref=150,  test result OK
> Total: 3 (3 usable), will use epoll.
> Available filters :
>       [SPOE] spoe
>       [COMP] compression
>       [TRACE] trace
> -- 
> Daniel Schneller
> Principal Cloud Engineer
> CenterDevice GmbH
> Rheinwerkallee 3
> 53227 Bonn
> www.centerdevice.com
> __________________________________________
> Geschäftsführung: Dr. Patrick Peschlow, Dr. Lukas Pustina, Michael Rosbach, 
> Handelsregister-Nr.: HRB 18655, HR-Gericht: Bonn, USt-IdNr.: DE-815299431
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